Tobacco" Publication No. (no number. Published 1988) A small brochure suitable for ages 12 through adult. Describes myths about smokeless tobacco; a discussion on the amount, type and quantity of some chemicals found in smokeless tobacco, the cost of using smokeless tobacco and the effects of smokeless tobacco on the body. Photos: None To obtain: Contact the American Academy of Otolaryngology at 703-836-4444 |
Smokeless Tobacco May Cause Mouth Cancer" Publication No.W190 (may have been replaced by "Thing Before You Chew" see below) A small brochure suitable for ages 10 to adult. Explains what smokeless tobacco is, what troubles can be caused by use and covers some facts about its use. Briefly explains that smokeless tobacco can cause cancer, leukoplakia, heart disease, gum disease, tooth abrasion, tooth decay and has social drawbacks. Glossary of terms on back. Photos: None To obtain: Contact the American Dental Association, Division of Communications, 211 East Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 |
"A Guide for Quitting Smokeless Tobacco" Publication No.4-114 (10/91) This brochure contains a variety of tips on how to quit chewing and dipping. Briefly covers getting ready to quit, developing a plan, avoiding temptations to relapse and withdrawal symptoms. Photos: None To obtain: Contact Office of Smoking and Health, Texas Dept. of Health, Austin Texas (512) 458-7402 |
Marsee's Smokeless Death" Publication No."Sean Marsee's Smokeless Death" The tragic story of Sean Marsee who, as a teenager using smokeless tobacco, developed oral cancer and died at age 18. Excellent story for all ages, especially young adults. Reprint from article that appeared in Reader's Digest. Photos: Two of Sean Marsee (Black and white) To obtain: Contact Reprint Editor, Reader's Digest, Pleasantville, NY, 10570 or call 914-241-5374. |
"Oral Health- Your Keys to Reduced Oral Cancer Risk" Publication No.880 published 8/89 A brochure designed to be a self examination for oral problems. Offers eight warning signals of oral cancer and description on how to examine the mouth. Photos: Three black and white photos of girl checking her mouth. To obtain: ACS , Texas Division, Inc. PO Box 149054, Austin Texas 78714-9054. Ask for brochure Code 880. |
"A Guide for Quitting Smokeless Tobacco" Publication No.(none) This is an excellent brochure for young and old alike. Published by the Oral Health America Group, it has quotes from famous baseball players as to the dangers of chewing tobacco. Includes facts about spit tobacco, who uses spit tobacco, and reasons young people start using it. Great stories and photos of Rick Bender and Bill Tuttle. Photos: Several showing baseball players and victims. To obtain: Contact Oral Health America at America's Fund for Dental Health, 211 East Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 or call 312-787-6270. |